Our mid-week Children’s Bible study is the AWANA program. AWANA focuses on Bible memorization and practical application through building relationships.
Every night, the kids rotate through a Large Group teaching time focused on their age, fun and engaging team games, and a Small Group time with their leaders. Additionally, nearly every week has a special theme. Whether noodle night, crazy hair, local heroes, or ice cream, the kids love the time of interaction and learning God’s Word.

AWANA meets on Thursdays from 6:30pm-8:00pm and is open to all children from pre-kindergarten through 6th grade.
Sunday School
Our children’s Sunday School program is designed to expose children, from ages 4 to adults, to the truth of God’s grace throughout the whole Bible.
All classes are taught from the Bible and engage children using various methods ranging from activities, to crafts, to discussion. Our curriculum, a product of the Gospel Project, particularly emphasizes the anticipation of Jesus in the Old Testament, the work of Jesus in the New Testament, and belief in Jesus in the present day.
Children between the ages of 4 and 10 are welcome to extend this teaching in Children’s Church. After the singing portion of our main service, the kids are dismissed to engage in teaching and games geared toward their particular age and activity level.
Special Events
Aside from our weekly events, we also have special annual events that are geared directly towards young people.
The Fall Festival
Vacation Bible School
Occurring in early June, vacation Bible school provides a fun and incredible time of teaching, crafts, drama, and music.
During the four days of vacation Bible school (Monday-Thursday), kids are welcome to join us from 9am-12pm.